Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kids, Comedy....and Cuteness Galore!

The tension has been high here in the household the past few days. A few months ago, SWMBO agreed to give a presentation at the 4-H State Dog Conference. What was she thinking? Kids are can I say are....hmmmm...well, let's just say that SWMBO is more comfortable interacting with seasoned adults! As the day approached, SWMBO started getting more and more nervous. She finally called in her "secret weapon," LLG, to give some advice. Thank goodness!

We arrived at Rock Springs and met up with my buds Kindy, Debbie, and Digger (with the world's best substitute puppy raiser, ML). After I understood that we were presenting in a 400-seat theater, up on stage, with microphones, and to 125 4-Hers and adults with their dogs in the audience...well, even I started to get a little nervous! However, I think we all did fine and shared some great information about Canine Companions for Independence, showed what it takes to be a puppy raiser, demonstrated our skills, had fun in the process, and hopefully entertained the crowd! SWMBO is not exactly a comedic genius, but she did manage to get the crowd chuckling, at least.

Before the presentation...yea, a little intimidating!
Debbie and Digger waiting for the next demonstration of a command
Debbie has an awesome shake!
I can do an 'up.' I can too!
Hahaha. This is funny. The humans are trying to tempt us with kibble on the floor. We know better!
Did I mention that I love demonstrating a 'lap'? Just look at my tail!
Whew. End of the day. Time to go play and do some ear flapping!

1 comment:

  1. 4-H and CCI - two things I love! Looks like you all did a fabulous job!

    Debbie looks the spitting image of Dante. So nice to see pics of siblings!


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