Sunday, November 6, 2011

Saturday Play Day

WOW, what a day I had yesterday. We headed out to Kansas City for a day of fun. Our first stop was to meet up with KSDS PIT; Vance. Even though it was pretty cold in the morning, we still managed to get some pictures taken.

Had a great time meeting you Vance AND your human! She said I was soft...I think I got her wanting a new puppy ;^)

Me and Vance.



We headed on over to Putnam's house and met up with my traveling buddy Digger. We had some alone time before the big dogs came out. Boy, did we have some good wrestling going on!



The big dogs arrived and then we ALL had a good time outside. We could just run and roll and run and wrestle and run..did I mention we got to RUN?


After we played for a couple hours, the humans thought we'd be ready for a group picture in our gear. Well, some were ready (big dogs) and some were not *cough* ME! I was distracted by a leaf passing by.



Finally, a pic of me with one of my favorite people!


When we got home, I pretty much slept through all the football games and the rest of the night. Woke up this morning at the usual time (5:30am) and had breakfast. TBG kept mumbling something about time change and that he missed out on that extra hour.....tough luck buddy, no one told ME about the time change!


  1. 5:30 before or after the time change? Glad you got to meet Vance. Was Lassiter one of the big dogs pictured. Carver you look a lot bigger than Digger!

  2. Let's just say I didn't get to enjoy that extra hour of sleep!

    Lassiter is the second from right in the big dog pic.

    Poor Digger, he's still experiencing some intestinal problems and hasn't gained much weight.


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