Saturday, July 28, 2012

More fun than a boat load of pups!

Wow!! what a day. My ole pal Spark came over and brought a newb named Merlot to the lake scene. Boy did we have a blast.

Spark was showing Merlot proper mouth position for carrying the tennis ball.

Man can he generate some drool!

Here we have Spark doing his outboard motor trick...that dog can FLY!! And they say I have big ears??

After some "onshore" activities, we headed out in the boat. SWMBO's hair smelled real nice in the lake air!

Merlot was really enjoying this new place and was anxious for a turn in the water.

I had to keep the young Jedi calm while Spark was in the water showing off.

Hey Sparkler, we're still waiting!

Finally, Spark takes a break.

Merlot gets his turn at platform diving.

Reluctantly, I head to the back of the boat. Now, I'm not a big fan of jumping off the back of the boat, but I love swimming. TBG helped me out a little!

Maybe a little TOO much. Hey wise guy, I'm not a piece of luggage.

The things humans will do to persuade a pup to jump. It's quite embarrassing!

OK, so I'm not a diver, but I am cute!

We headed back to the house where all 3 of us got a little more play time and some showers. Merlot was really "dog'n" me about not jumping off the boat and I had just about had enough.

We made one last trip into town before my friends headed home. Stopped at the Totem Pole for some pics. Seems the humans thought it might scare us pups, but they were very wrong!!

Thanks to my Buds, Spark and Merlot for coming to CG. We had a great time and they (and their humans) are always welcomed.
Back to sleepy land. Swimming will really tire a pup out.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Random Pictures

Thought I'd post up a few random pics all in one post!

Day at the lake with my buds.

Working with Snoopy!

Me with my favorite Aunt!!

Working with the "real" CCI trainers.

At the movies in Emporia, doing my best Cujo impression.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Shout Out...

So, here's a shout-out to my friend at Texas A&M...!

that poor, poor human....

Monday, July 16, 2012

How Do I Spell FUN?


SWMBO and TBG were on vacation today, and my pals Digger and Clark came by for a visit. Digger's human couldn't be with him today, which was sad, but Aunt Marty came in her stead, which was awesome!

We all drove out to the lake, and we did some shore swimming. We weren't allowed to try any dock diving, since the lake is so low. TBG and SWMBO made me wear my life vest the whole time, but Digger and Clark were able to try their paws at swimming au it were!

Clark, whadda ya' mean, my ears could act as my life preserver? I don't get it?

I don't need a stinkin' ball to retrieve! I'll just go say hi to SWMBO!

Ah, why all the fuss about this swimming thing?

Let me carry the matches my vest!

Digger, I really don't think swimming to the opposite shore is such a good idea. Can't we just take the boat?

Who's idea was it to take the boat? Aunt Marty, hold me!

Land ahoy, Captain Clark!

Land? Thank goodness, First Mate Carver! Maybe now the humans will stop this silly idea that I can hurry off the side of the boat. Now, if I could just convince myself to jump off that platform...

Time to go home? How sad! The party was just gettin' started. Guess we'll have to pull out floating rafts with built-in kibble holders next time, guys.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Warm Fuzzies

All I know is that humans spend a lot of time complaining about this thing called 'work.' I don't get it. I don't see where it's bad at all! As far as I'm concerned, work is just all about warm fuzzies.

Here I am working at the long-term care facility.

And at K-State. Who says technology can't be warm and fuzzy?

I think work rocks!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Friday at Work

TBG said I needed some distraction work, so we went into town for lunch. We stopped at the hardware store and mingled with the crowd while working on many commands. For some reason he thinks I need work on "under". Yeah right, old man...I got this!

We went to eat next, or shall I say fatso went to eat and took me along.
Somehow a partial french fry kept dropping from the sky. I refused to partake in this silly exercise. Now, if it would have been raining Iams, this story might have a different ending! I also got to meet the owners of the Hays House and tell them all about me. They were very nice!

After lunch we went to the bank to see my peeps. I always feel right at home at the bank. Everyone is sooo nice and they take turns lov'n on me. A guy's life doesn't get any better than that.

A good Friday outing. Maybe I'll get to hit the lake tomorrow and try skiing. Hey, it could happen!

Sunday, July 8, 2012

I Know They Said I'm Not A Strong Swimmer

If you hang around this household awhile, you get to know that SUMMER is the most important season. With SUMMER comes road course racing, ice cream, and water sports. Well, the Mustang motor blew up early on, and with no plans to build another race engine soon, attendance at Heartland Park is off of my SUMMER list. Ice cream would never have been on my list to begin with, according to SWMBO and TBG...

So...that leaves water sports! I was very excited about SUMMER arriving because I heard from my good pal, Ansel III, when we were back at North Central together, that swimming, dock diving, boating, and platform jumping were a blast! I came to understand however, that this opinion was formulated by a full-lab-that floats....not a half-lab-half golden-that sinks...namely me! SWMBO and TBG have had me out to the lake a few times, and it wasn't hard to get me to go in the water. Like I said, I am game for anything and couldn't wait for SUMMER games! But, we all came to realize very quickly that I am not a strong swimmer. In fact, I pretty much sink from the neck down. That's not to say that I don't enjoy myself, because I do. Land or lake, it makes no difference to me when that beautiful, yellow tennis ball goes "whoosh" by my floppy ears...but I digress.

Off to a certain pet store that will remain buy me a water vest! While we were there, I got to check out the kittens that were up for adoption. How lucky I and all my other PITs are to know that we will have not just one, but two "forever" homes in our lifetimes. Here I am checking out some little furry guys who need a forever home for themselves.

After lunch and a stop at the b-i-g grocery store in Manhattan, we headed home. I got myself ready for a trip to the lake to try out my new water vest. I was so excited!

BUT THEN! SWMBO and TBG knocked the wind right out of my sails. I know I'm not a strong swimmer (yet) but someone please tell them this is ridiculous!